DIN A4 : 2014 / 2015 / 2016
New impulse to Art Project DIN A4 - Museum of Contemporary Art:
The new administrators of DIN A4 Project, Cultural Foundation of La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte, The Netherlands believe that we, being the present administrators of the Project DIN A4, had to give a new impulse to this wonderful international art project. Of course we will continue to create exhibition opportunities for the DIN A4 Project in various countries, all over the world. However, in order to to create this new impulse for the Project DIN A4 and its collection, we have decided to found also a new permanent serious platform, being a Museum of Contemporary Art in The Netherlands, called "Museum M.A.C. House Leusden". This means that the artworks of the DIN A4 collection now also form part of the main collection of our Museum. The Museum is founded in December 2014, with the main goal to show DIN A4 exhibitions in same Museum, on a permanent base. Every 3 or 4 months the exhibitions of DIN A4 will change in order to make sure that the M.A.C. House Museum will create the opportunity to show many different artworks from many participating national and international artists of Project DIN A4.
DIN A4 editions realized by Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte:
As from April 2015 until Nov. 2016, Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte has realized in total 9 editions, 7 in Museum M.A.C. House Leusden and 2 in other countries, Cuba and Italy.
As from April 2015 until Nov. 2016, Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte has realized in total 9 editions, 7 in Museum M.A.C. House Leusden and 2 in other countries, Cuba and Italy.
To maintain the quality of the Museum Collection:
Since the artworks of Project DIN A4, now also form part of the main collection of the Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, it is not only the task of the Museum and the Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte to show, register and preserve the DIN A4 artworks, but also to make sure that the artworks in the collection meet up with the standards of quality, which belong to a Contemporary Art Museum Collection. Therefore, La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte, The Netherlands has decided together with the formal leader of the DIN A4 project, Ernst Kraft, to maintain and exhibit all artworks of the DIN A4 collection, of which we don't have any doubt. This means also that the artworks,on which we do have doubts, because they do not meet up with the standards of a contemporary art museum collection, will be removed from the DIN A4 collection, together with the artists info. If an artist visits this DIN A4 blog or our website www.lacasaholandesa.org and finds out that his/her name and artworks have been removed, of course he/she can do a new application with other artworks, as long as these new artworks, meet up with the standard of a museum collection, on which the jury of the DIN A4 project will decide. Also an artist, whose information and artworks are no longer available on this blog, because of the above mentioned reasons, may ask us to send back his artworks, by sending an e-mail to lacasaholandesaterra@gmail.com. However, please take note of the fact that, because the Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte is a non-profit Cultural Organization, which does not receive any subsidy from the government or any other Cultural Organization, all costs concerning shipping back the artworks, are for cost of the artists.
Museum visitors:
of Project DIN A4 are always welcome to visit our Museum and all DIN A4 openings and presentations. Please be aware of the fact that, in consultation with the municipality of Leusden, the Museum is founded on the ground floor in La Casa Holandesa, which means that the dimensions of the museum are very modest. However, not the quantity of artworks is important but the quality.
International Artistic Board / International Committee of Quality:
In order to assure the quality of all Museum presentations, " Museum M.A.C. House Leusden" works together with an International Artistic Board, consisting of Margareth Degeling, The Netherlands, (on behalf of "Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte, Project DIN A4 and Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, The Netherlands), Alfonso Caputo, Italy and Elisa de Almeida, Portugal (on behalf of Terra dell'Arte, Pallazzo Bonfrancechi and Museum M.I.D.A.C, Bellforte del Chienti - Italy). Also Museum M.A.C. House is working with an International Artistic Committee of Quality.
All information about the Artistic Board and the International Committee members of the Museum and DIN A4 can be found on the website of our Cultural Foundation and Museum, website:
To maintain the quality of the Museum Collection:
Since the artworks of Project DIN A4, now also form part of the main collection of the Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, it is not only the task of the Museum and the Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte to show, register and preserve the DIN A4 artworks, but also to make sure that the artworks in the collection meet up with the standards of quality, which belong to a Contemporary Art Museum Collection. Therefore, La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte, The Netherlands has decided together with the formal leader of the DIN A4 project, Ernst Kraft, to maintain and exhibit all artworks of the DIN A4 collection, of which we don't have any doubt. This means also that the artworks,on which we do have doubts, because they do not meet up with the standards of a contemporary art museum collection, will be removed from the DIN A4 collection, together with the artists info. If an artist visits this DIN A4 blog or our website www.lacasaholandesa.org and finds out that his/her name and artworks have been removed, of course he/she can do a new application with other artworks, as long as these new artworks, meet up with the standard of a museum collection, on which the jury of the DIN A4 project will decide. Also an artist, whose information and artworks are no longer available on this blog, because of the above mentioned reasons, may ask us to send back his artworks, by sending an e-mail to lacasaholandesaterra@gmail.com. However, please take note of the fact that, because the Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte is a non-profit Cultural Organization, which does not receive any subsidy from the government or any other Cultural Organization, all costs concerning shipping back the artworks, are for cost of the artists.
Museum visitors:
of Project DIN A4 are always welcome to visit our Museum and all DIN A4 openings and presentations. Please be aware of the fact that, in consultation with the municipality of Leusden, the Museum is founded on the ground floor in La Casa Holandesa, which means that the dimensions of the museum are very modest. However, not the quantity of artworks is important but the quality.
of Project DIN A4 are always welcome to visit our Museum and all DIN A4 openings and presentations. Please be aware of the fact that, in consultation with the municipality of Leusden, the Museum is founded on the ground floor in La Casa Holandesa, which means that the dimensions of the museum are very modest. However, not the quantity of artworks is important but the quality.
International Artistic Board / International Committee of Quality:
In order to assure the quality of all Museum presentations, " Museum M.A.C. House Leusden" works together with an International Artistic Board, consisting of Margareth Degeling, The Netherlands, (on behalf of "Cultural Foundation La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte, Project DIN A4 and Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, The Netherlands), Alfonso Caputo, Italy and Elisa de Almeida, Portugal (on behalf of Terra dell'Arte, Pallazzo Bonfrancechi and Museum M.I.D.A.C, Bellforte del Chienti - Italy). Also Museum M.A.C. House is working with an International Artistic Committee of Quality.
All information about the Artistic Board and the International Committee members of the Museum and DIN A4 can be found on the website of our Cultural Foundation and Museum, website:
DIN A4 Exhibitions realized in 2015 - 2016 :
9th edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, Oct. 16th - January 18th - German artists Only!
8th edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, May 29th - August 28th '16 - Brazilian artist only!

7th edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, April 10th - May 22 '16
6th edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden January 24rth - April 3 2016

5th edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden October 18th '15 - January 20th 2016
Museum visitors entering DIN A4 Artspace in Museum M.A.C. House Leusden
Guillermo Inchaurregui - Argentina, who has solo exhibition in Museum M.A.C. House, is talking to Tango Trio Encanta about their Musical Performance
Wonderful musical performance by Tango Trio Encanta !
More Museum visitors arriving...
ITALY - Third edition Project DIN A4 - Palazzo Bonfranceschi - Belforte del Chienti - Italy, Sept. 12th -29th 2015 and impressions of Solo Exhibition Margareth Degeling, The Netherlands - Title exhibition: 'Cultural Heritage from another Perspective' - location: Museum M.I.D.A.C., Belforte del Chienti - Sept. 2015
3rd edition Project DIN A4 - Italy, Robert and Manuel Azaro in Pallazzo Bonfranceschi
Margareth Degeling and Manuel Azaro with Project DIN A4 - 3rd edition
Manuel Azaro receiving Certificate of Honorary Member of Terra dell'Arte
In the Mayor's Office talking about Museum M.A.C. House Leusden
Showing the Mayor of Belforte the DIN A4 exhibition
Manuel Azaro receiving Certificate of Mayor of Municipality of Belforte
Margareth receiving Certificate of Mayor of Municipality of Belforte
SOLO exhibition "Cultural Heritage from another Perspective", by Margareth Degeling, The Netherlands - Museum M.I.D.A.C., Belforte del Chienti - Italy
Manuel Azaro, Margareth Degeling, Robert Poelstra in M.I.D.A.C. Museum - Italy sept. 2015
2nd edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden June 28th - October 14th 2015

'1st edition Project DIN A4 - Museum M.A.C. House Leusden' April 26th - June 24rth 2015
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On the left and right: Alfonso Caputo - Italy and Elisa de Almeida, Portugal,
on behalf of Terra dell'Arte, Museum M.I.D.A.C. and Pallazzo Bonfrancechi - Italy
In the middle: Margareth Degeling on behalf of Cultural Foundation "La Casa Holandesa - Terra dell'Arte", Project DIN A4 and Museum M.A.C. House Leusden The Netherlands
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The Mayor of Leusden, Manuel Azaro, Margareth Degeling and Elisa de Almeida |
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Manuel Azaro, Team Member DIN A4 in Museum Art Space |
Mounting the 1st edition of DIN A4 in Museum M.A.C. House |
Mounting 1st edition DIN A4 - M.A.C. House Leusden |
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Mounting DIN A4 exhibit in M.A.C. House Leusden |
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Mounting DIN A4 exhibit M.A.C. House Museum |
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Mounting exhibit Museum M.A.C. House |
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Mounting DIN A4 artworks M.A.C. House |
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Mounting DIN A4 artworks M.A.C. House 1st edition |
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Mounting DIN A4 artworks 1st edition Museum |
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Mounting 1st edition Museum M.A.C. House |
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Mounting the exhibition Project DIN A4 - 1st edition |
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During inauguration party Museum Garden M.A.C. House Leusden |
Museum M.A.C. House - Leusden
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Inauguration Party M.A.C. House Museum Leusden |
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M.A.C. House Museum Leusden - DIN A4 exhibition |
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INAUGURATION PARTY In the artspace of DIN A4 Museum M.A.C. House Leusden, The Netherlands, April 25th 2015. |